Jaclyn Downs, Functional Nutrigenomics, LLC
Affiliate Program
Click here to sign up for the Affiliate ProgramHello, my fellow practitioner!
Have you had clients come to you with a genetic report, asking you to help them make sense of it?
Have you been wanting to incorporate functional genomics (genes you can actually do something about) into your practice, but don't know where to begin?
Have you ever wondered why a tried-and-true protocol didn't work on a client (or created adverse reactions)?
Do you often feel that if you just had a couple new tools in your kit, you wouldn't have to spend so much non-billable time doing research to help your client move past a puzzling roadblock?
Do you get excited about affiliate programs for something you'd recommend even without an affiliate program?
Read on to learn how you can solve these problems with ONE simple solution - and get a sweet referral commission!
I'm Jaclyn Downs, functional nutrigenomic analyst and the author of:
Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve 'Unexplained' Infertility
Published May 24, 2023 by CRC Press

About the Affiliate Program
I am excited to tell you about an affiliate program I just launched for the functional genomic interpretation package that I currently offer.
More and more people are realizing how invaluable it is to learn what their genetic blueprint can reveal about their health because this definitive information saves them a ton of time, money, guessing, and heartache.
With that, practitioners are feeling the need to utilize genetics in their practice to streamline and elevate patient success rates. However, they don't have the time to learn a whole 'nother field! Learning about genetics is often likened to “drinking from a firehose.”
If clients have come to you with pages and pages of a genetic report, asking you to make sense of it, this is because most genetic interpretation services provide a pdf that's chock full of canned responses.
For example: There is one company that provides 38 different reports off of one spit sample! While that's a lot of information, it absolutely will make you feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what is most important to start with!
These automated services are just reporting about genetic variants, not interpreting genomics! And they certainly aren't taking into account past and current exposures, lifestyle changes, and protocols. Just because we have a genetic variant does not mean that it is expressing. These canned responses state things like, "You have such-and-such version of this gene, so take such-and-such supplement and avoid so-and-so." But then, a few pages later, the information for a different gene tells you to avoid the supplement or food that the previous page's genetic result recommended that you get more of!
This causes analysis paralysis and leaves the client more confused than before they started.
I've created the perfect solution for everyone! No more automated, canned responses! Instead, your client's genetic analysis is interpreted by me, a live human, that has reviewed a detailed intake/health history form that was filled out by the client.
Your client can share this video with you so you can use it to work together to create a streamlined, personalized protocol.
My genetic interpretation video:
- can help you understand why a protocol didn't work (or worse, backfired).
- helps you determine which form of a nutrient would be most effective in a personalized protocol.
- helps identify major genetic predispositions for inflammation & oxidative stress.
- will tell you in which order things should be addressed first. For example, with MTHFR variants, practitioners often recommend high doses of methylfolate right off the bat. But this can backfire if other foundational things aren’t addressed first. We want to put out the fire before calling in the reconstruction crew (folate is a rebuilding, repairing nutrient, which is why it is essential for pregnancy). I detail these factors in my book, Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve ‘Unexplained’ Infertility.

As you can see, the interpretation is the most valuable part of genetic testing!
The thoughtful interpretation provided in each video may suggest with unprecedented accuracy:
- root cause factors that have not yet been explored
- tests that can help to identify whether genetic predispositions are expressing (I am available for help with functional lab test interpretation)
- understand how to bust through roadblocks
- supplements that may be more effective than others

It will also provide lifelong, personalized insights (far beyond our reproductive years) for:
- providing a deeper understanding of biochemical pathways (including the entire methylation pathway, not just MTHFR)
- identifying nutritional cofactors that are needed to support genetic variants
- revealing where there are wrenches in our detoxification pathways
- taking out the guesswork for which specific antioxidants would be most effective for lowering inflammation
- showing how our hormones are predisposed to metabolize
- identifying how to best support mitochondrial functioning, thereby improving fertility, and egg and sperm health.

"I just started using the genome tests and at the beginning there is a lot of information.
Jaclyn’s consult really helped me to focus on how best to use the test results for my client.
She also helped me answer questions I had from doing a genomics course.
I’m going to keep doing these until I get really comfortable doing them myself. I think each session will probably save me hours of work trying to figure this out for myself. Especially now in the beginning.”
I have been working with clients and training practitioners in genomic analysis since 2015. I am certified by the NutriGenetic Research Institute and have been part of their research team since it began in 2015. I am beyond excited to share my genetic interpretation service with the world!
About my upcoming affiliate program:
You will receive a $50 referral commission for each client that purchases a package. Once your patient receives their personalized interpretation video that provides new insights and ‘rocks to look under,’ they can discuss these results with you. These insights will provide unprecedented accuracy for helping you to identify root causes and customize a protocol.
The interpretation package currently includes:
- Genetic test kit (salivary)
- Immediate access to "Introduction to Nutrigenomics and Functional Genomic Analysis" slide presentation (sent in your thank you email) ($27 value)
- Access to client portal
- Analysis of results
- Personalized interpretation video based on Health History Intake form (I'll share the top things I'm seeing in the genes based on what they wrote on their intake form, as well as next steps to discuss with you)
- Actionable recommendations that can be implemented immediately
- Option to purchase a 1:1 consult via Zoom or phone to further discuss results/get questions answered
Click here to sign up for the Affiliate Program
Click here to purchase a genomic interpretation package.
Functional genomic interpretation is here to stay and is quickly becoming the standard of care. Let me help support you as we move further into the future.
I look forward to a symbiotic relationship with you!
Jaclyn Downs, Functional Nutrigenomics, LLC